Saturday, 31 July 2010

Getting the Word Out / Next Meeting Dates

Stefi dragged me out of my house to distribute posters and flyers today up and down Magdalen Street. On a Saturday. Dedication or what? We got to chat with various traders, shopkeepers and landlords. Sorry if we missed anyone on the rounds, we did end up running out of flyers and publicity in the end so we'll try and get a few more out there again soon to anyone we missed.

Thanks to everyone for enthusiastic support and sticking up those posters. Any feedback, questions, ideas etc. then please get in touch - email here. We're still on the lookout for more events ideas and people to get involved so please get in touch or come along to one of the public meetings if you're interested to find out more or contribute any help or ideas. See dates below...

So far we've got various traders, artists, performers, local residents and charity groups to get involved in setting up a variety of events for the day which will hopefully utilise some of the public spaces on the street and unused shops and spaces in Anglia Square and hopefully events in surrounding streets too.

We'll publish a list of what's planned so far here very soon. Meanwhile, there's another 2  meetings planned for any residents, traders, artists, local groups etc are very welcome to come along to...

Wednesday 11 August and Weds 25 August, 6.30 for 7pm start at The Blue House, 19 Muspole Street, NR3

The last meeting got really busy so please come early if you want to catch up with what's been happening so far, because we will need to get down to business at 7pm.