Thursday, 29 August 2013

Moving along with the late summer Drift

Hello Everyone.  This is another friendly-neighbour blog-cast announcement!  From the buildup and anticipation of this year's Magdalen-Augustine Streets Celebration (info point: Oct. 19th), we realise that we need the help of all sorts of volunteers.  However, in particular, we need volunteers with interests in the work of heritage projects. Whether it be with historical accounts, research and its presentations, or, maybe with oral history initiatives and the weaving of tales of the good ol' days, threading them with the new. In any case, would you like to help?  

The streets are open and we need volunteers for the week running up to the Saturday Celebration to help with the gathering and recording of memories from the public, taking and collecting photos, and collectively organising a patchwork of stories! Or perhaps you have an idea of how to recognise community and cultural heritage, to highlight the special district of Norwich 'O'er the Water'.  Either way, jump up and throw-in!  We need you, 'cause memories are for sharing and stories are for telling. 

Oh! oh... I hear some of you saying, 'that history stuff is a crashing bore', and, 'besides, I live in the here and now…!'.  Well, for you naysayers of history and stories, how about a little volunteer action in the form of live street performances, hosting a table with small crafts, or, maybe some pavement place poets?  Of course, we wish for everyone to be involved and all are welcome!  So find a place...there's plenty of room, and the Streets are for Celebrating! 

Let us know:
Keep up to the minute by following below:
Or have a read and witness the celebrity of the upcoming Magdalen-Augustine Celebration:

Friday, 9 August 2013

Here We Go…To the Streets!

Hello Neighbours!  We are now gaining pace towards The 4th Annual Magdalen-Augustine Streets Celebration.  Many of us are making plans, some of us are gathering stuff, others of us are just sitting on our duffs!  Either way, we are all excited about this, the 4th year of celebrating the culture, the life, the places, and the times of the 'community o'er' the water'.  We welcome everyone to this open street celebration on October 19th.  Of course, now's the time to get involved to make this a hearty celebration.  There will be Vikings! There will be Historic tours! There will be Choirs and Singers! There will be so much more (wink, wink to the community)! So stay blog-tuned to this channel and keep up to date with the preparations and the ongoing developments for this celebration and all accompanying chatter here:
